Free Adaptation Of Living Organisms Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Students

Topic: adaptation of living organisms

Objectives & Outcomes

  • understanding of the concept of adaptation of living organisms
  • ability to identify and explain the examples of adaptation of penguin in Antarctica, palm tree, human during summer and winter, and Agma lizard during hot sunny day


  • pictures of penguin in Antarctica, palm tree, human during summer and winter, and Agma lizard during hot sunny day
  • pen and paper for each student


  • Ask the students if they have ever seen a penguin. Ask them to describe how the penguin looks like and what it does.
  • Ask the students if they have ever seen a palm tree. Ask them to describe how the palm tree looks like and what it does.
  • Ask the students if they have ever seen a human during summer or winter. Ask them to describe how the human looks like and what he/she does.
  • Ask the students if they have ever seen an Agma lizard during hot sunny day. Ask them to describe how the Agma lizard looks like and what it does.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of adaptation of living organisms and explain that living organisms have to adapt to their environment in order to survive.
  • Show the pictures of the penguin, palm tree, human, and Agma lizard. Ask the students to describe how these organisms adapt to their environment.
  • Discuss the examples of adaptation with the students and ask them to give more examples.
  • Encourage the students to make their own drawings of how they think the organisms adapt.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group one of the pictures of the organisms.
  • Have the students work together to create a chart showing how the organisms they are studying adapt to their environment.
  • Have the students share their charts with the class and discuss the different adaptations they have listed.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose one of the organisms from the chart they created and research how that organism adapts to its environment.
  • Have the students draw a picture of the organism and write a paragraph explaining its adaptation.
  • Have the students present their projects to the class.


  • Have the students share something they learned about adaptation during the lesson.
  • Review the different types of adaptations and how they help organisms survive in their environments.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and give them feedback on their project.
  • Have students complete a worksheet or quiz that tests their understanding of the concept of adaptation.

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