"They Don't Mean It" By Lensey Namioka Story Discussion

Topic: Theme analysis and discussion

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the theme of a story and analyze its significance.


  • A copy of "They Don't Mean It" by Lensey Namioka for each student
  • Handouts with theme-related questions and prompts for independent thinking
  • Pencils and paper for journaling


  • Begin by asking the students to think about the themes they have encountered in stories they have read in the past. Ask them to share a few examples with the class.
  • Next, show the students a brief video of two characters from a movie or TV show engaging in a conflict or disagreement. Ask the students to analyze the conflict and consider what the characters might be trying to accomplish or resolve through their actions.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the title and author of the story being studied.
  • Ask the students to think about the themes they have already identified and consider how they might be represented in the story they are about to read.
  • Provide a brief overview of the plot of the story, highlighting key events and characters.
  • Ask the students to open their copies of the story and begin reading.

Guided Practice

  • As the students are reading, periodically ask them to stop and discuss what they have just read.
  • Ask them to consider how the themes they identified in the story are represented and how the story might be interpreted.
  • Allow time for the students to share their thoughts with their peers and the teacher.

Independent Practice

  • As the students finish the story, have them complete a graphic organizer to reflect on the themes and messages they have identified in the story.
  • Ask them to write a brief summary statement of the main themes and how they are represented in the story.


  • Review the main themes and messages of the story as a class.
  • Ask the students to share their summary statements and any further thoughts or insights they have about the story.
  • Encourage the students to think about how these themes and messages can be applied to their own lives and the issues they face every day.


  • Observe the students as they work on their independent project and provide feedback on their understanding of the themes and messages of the story.
  • Evaluate the students' participation in the class discussion and the quality of their presentations.
  • Notice any improvements in the students' writing skills as they work on their summaries.

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