
Topic: Fluency

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to read with increased speed and accuracy.


  • Books of varying length and difficulty
  • Stopwatch or timer
  • Pencils


  • Review the concept of fluency and what it means to be fluent in reading. Explain that fluent readers are able to read with speed and accuracy, without having to stop and figure out words. Also, explain that fluent readers don't have to re-read parts of a text because they understand it the first time.
  • Have students read a short, easy book aloud to themselves, emphasizing fluency and accuracy. At the end of the reading, have them stop and count the number of mistakes they made.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the definition of fluency again, emphasizing the importance of speed and accuracy in reading.
  • Introduce the concept of word recognition, explaining that it is important for readers to be able to recognize words quickly and accurately so they can focus on reading with speed.
  • Demonstrate how to use the word list and reading strategies to help with word recognition.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs and provide each pair with a copy of the word list and a text passage.
  • Have them use the word list to help them identify words in the text passage and read the passage together at a comfortable pace, paying attention to accuracy and word recognition.
  • After reading, have them discuss any words they had trouble recognizing and how they could use the word list and reading strategies to help with word recognition.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a book that they have not read before and find a quiet space to read alone or with a partner.
  • Have them track their reading progress by marking the pages they have read or using a timer to keep track of the time spent reading.
  • Encourage them to try to read at a comfortable pace and pay attention to accuracy and word recognition.


  • Have students share their reading experiences with the class.
  • Ask them to reflect on their progress in fluency and what they can do to improve.


    Observe students during independent practice to see if they are reading at a faster pace. Evaluate their written reflection on their reading experiences for understanding and depth of thought.

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