4th Grade To Compare And Order Fractions With Different Denominators Lesson Plan Example

Topic: To compare and order fractions with different denominators

Objectives & Outcomes

Students will be able to compare and order fractions with different denominators.


  • Students will practice comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators using manipulatives such as counters or bags of chips.
  • Students will write a fraction in fraction-digits form and compare it to another fraction in fraction-digits form to determine which is smaller.


  • Counters or bags of chips
  • Fraction strips or other manipulatives showing different fractions with different denominators
  • Writing tools such as pencils or markers


  • Have students take a few minutes to look at the fractions strips or other manipulatives and observe how they are similar and how they are different.
  • Ask students if they can already think of a way to compare and order fractions with different denominators.
  • Let students share their ideas and discuss.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of fractions and denominators.
  • Explain that fractions are a way to compare parts of a whole.
  • Denominators are the numbers below the fraction bars that represent the total amount of parts of a whole.
  • For example, in the fractions 1/2 and 1/3, the denominators are 2 and 3, respectively, because there are 2 and 3 parts of a whole, respectively.
  • Have students work with a partner to compare and order fractions with different denominators using the strategy they came up with in the warm-up activity.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the handouts with fraction comparisons to each student.
  • Have students work with a partner to solve the problems using the strategy they came up with in the warm-up activity (e.g. comparing the numerators, comparing the denominators, etc.).
  • As a class, discuss and solve the problems together, checking for understanding as you go.

Independent Practice

  • Divide students into groups and give each group a set of fraction comparisons to solve.
  • Have students work independently to solve the problems using the strategy they came up with in the warm-up activity.
  • Encourage students to discuss and solve the problems together if they have difficulty.


  • Review the steps for comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators.
  • Remind students to think about the magnitude of the fractions and look for common denominators.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about comparing and ordering fractions with different denominators.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of the material.
  • Collect and review their work for accuracy and understanding.

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