Free 4th Grade Compare Capacity Lesson Plan

Topic: Capacity

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to compare the capacity of different containers.


  • Different types of containers (e.g. cups, glasses, bottles, jars) of varying sizes
  • Water
  • Dry beans or other dry measuring objects


  • Show the students the different containers and ask them to guess which container would hold the most water. Have them explain their reasoning.
  • Next, have the students place a few dry beans in each container and pour water into each one until they are full. Have them count how many beans are in each container and compare the results.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of capacity, explaining that it refers to the amount of liquid that a container can hold.
  • Show the students the different containers again and have them guess which one would hold the most water. Have them explain their reasoning.
  • Next, pour water into each container until they are full. Have the students count how many cups of water are in each container, and compare the results.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into small groups and give each group one of the containers.
  • Have the students fill their container with water and count the number of cups of water in their container.
  • Have the students compare their results with the other groups and discuss why some containers hold more water than others.
  • As a class, discuss the reasons why some containers hold more water than others (e.g. the shape of the container, the material it is made of).

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose two different containers that hold different amounts of water and measure the amounts using a measuring cup.
  • Have the students draw a graph showing the amounts of water in their two containers and label the axes with the names of the containers.
  • Have the students use their graph to answer questions such as: Which container holds more water? By how much? Why?


  • Have the students share their graphs and answers to the questions with the class.
  • Ask the students to think about the concept of capacity and how it can be measured using a measuring cup.
  • Ask the students to share any other ways they can think of to measure capacity.


  • Observe the students during the measuring and pouring activities to assess their understanding of the concept of capacity and their ability to measure capacity using a measuring cup.
  • Evaluate the students' graphs and answers to the questions to assess their understanding of the concept of capacity and their ability to compare capacities of different containers.

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