Free 4th Grade Chance Lesson Plan

Topic: Chance

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to explain what chance is and describe how it can be measured in experiments.


  • Various objects such as coins, dice, spinners, etc.
  • Bag of marbles
  • Jar of nails
  • Small pieces of paper with different numbers written on them


  • Ask the students if they have ever done any gambling or played games of chance.
  • Discuss their experiences and what they learned about chance in these activities.
  • Show the students the different objects and have them guess how likely they are to get a certain outcome (e.g. "How likely do you think it is to get a tail if we toss this coin?")

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that chance is the likelihood of a certain outcome occurring when a random event is repeated many times.
  • Provide examples of different chance experiments, such as rolling a dice or flipping a coin.
  • Ask the students to predict the outcome of each experiment before conducting it.
  • Record the results of the experiments on the board or paper.
  • After completing all the experiments, discuss the likelihood of all possible outcomes and how they compare to the students' predictions.
  • Explain the concept of statistical independence, which is the likelihood of an outcome in one random event having no effect on another random event.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in small groups to conduct one or more chance experiments and record the results.
  • Have the groups discuss and compare their predictions to the actual outcomes.
  • Have the groups discuss the concept of statistical independence and how it applies to the chance experiments they conducted.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose one or more topics related to chance (e.g., flipping coins, rolling dice, drawing cards, drawing cards from a deck) and conduct multiple chance experiments related to the chosen topic(s).
  • Have the students record the results of their chance experiments and create a graph or table of the results.
  • Have the students analyze the results of their chance experiments and discuss the likelihood of all possible outcomes.


  • Review the concepts of odds and chance as they relate to the chance experiments that were conducted.
  • Ask the students to reflect on the importance of understanding the likelihood of all possible outcomes in decision making.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice to assess their understanding of conducting chance experiments and identifying the likelihood of all possible outcomes.
  • Collect the students' independent practice projects and review them for their ability to conduct chance experiments and accurately identify the likelihood of all possible outcomes.
  • Administer a quiz at the end of the lesson to assess the students' understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson.

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