
Topic: homophones

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to differentiate the meaning and spelling of various homophones.


  • Word cards with various homophones (e.g. "bear" vs. "bare"; "there" vs. "their"; "it" vs. "its")
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Review the concept of homophones and ask students to provide examples of words that have similar sounds but different meanings (e.g. "see" vs. "sea"; "two" vs. "to"; "there" vs. "their")

Direct Instruction

  • Review the list of homophones and have the class say them out loud.
  • Explain that homophones have similar sounds but different meanings and spellings.
  • Have the class repeat the definitions and spellings of the homophones on the list.
  • Have the class practice writing the homophones on the list.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the worksheets with homophones on them to the class.
  • Have the class work in small groups to match the words to the correct definition and spelling.
  • Have the class share their work with the class and discuss any questions or challenges they had.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a homophone to research.
  • Have the students create a project that demonstrates their understanding of the homophone they chose and how it is used in a sentence.
  • Have the students present their projects to the class.


  • Review the definition and examples of homophones.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned about homophones during the lesson.


  • Collect the students' completed homophone worksheets and review them to assess their ability to differentiate the meaning and spelling of various homophones.

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