Free 4th Grade Machine Learnong Lesson Plan (History)

Topic: Machine learning

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand the concept of machine learning and be able to apply it to a real-world problem.


  • Computer with internet access
  • Song files
  • Free machine learning tools (e.g. TensorFlow, Theano, etc.)


  • Ask students if they have ever used a music streaming service such as Spotify or Pandora.
  • Ask students to explain how the music streaming service works.
  • Ask students if they think it is possible for the music streaming service to play songs that they like without having to explicitly specify each song that they want to listen to.
  • Introduce the concept of machine learning and explain that it is a type of technology that allows computers to learn and make decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that the goal of the lesson is to use machine learning to create a music streaming service that can play songs that the students like.
  • Introduce the concept of training data and explain that it is data that is used to train a machine learning model.
  • Explain that the more training data there is, the better the model will be at making accurate predictions.
  • Introduce the concept of a feature vector and explain that it is a way of representing data using a set of numbers or letters.
  • Explain that the values of the feature vector can vary depending on the type of data that is being represented.
  • Explain that the values of the feature vector can be used to describe the characteristics of the data, such as its color, texture, or shape.

Guided Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to create a feature vector for a piece of art that they have created.
  • Have the students use their feature vector to create a machine learning model that can classify their art as either a landscape or a portrait.
  • Have the students test their model on a set of new art pieces and see how accurate their predictions are.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in small groups to create a machine learning model that can classify musical genres.
  • Have the students test their model on a set of music samples and see how accurate their predictions are.


  • Review the concepts learned in this lesson, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, and neural networks.
  • Ask the students to share their project ideas and what they learned during the independent practice.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice and provide feedback on their projects.
  • Evaluate the students' understanding of the concepts taught in the lesson through a quiz or written assessment.

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