Free 4th Grade Vowel Pronunciation Lesson Plan

Topic: Vowel Pronunciation

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and produce the different "o" sounds in spoken words.
  • Students will be able to read and spell words with the different "o" sounds.


  • Word cards with words containing the different "o" sounds
  • Speech sounds cards with the speech sounds for the different "o" sounds
  • Writing paper and pencils/pencil crayons
  • Vowel cards (optional)


"O" is a tricky vowel to pronounce because it can be pronounced in several different ways. For example, the word "boo" is pronounced with an "oo" sound, while the word "mop" is pronounced with an "op" sound. Today we are going to learn how to pronounce these different "o" sounds correctly.

  • Have students close their eyes and raise their hand when they hear an "o" sound in a word. After a few picks, call on a student to identify the correct "o" sound.

Direct Instruction

  • Using the word cards, have students identify the correct "o" sound for each word.
  • Model the proper pronunciation of each word, emphasizing the different "o" sounds.
  • Have students repeat the correct "o" sound for each word.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups. Give each group a set of word cards. Have the students take turns reading the words out loud, while the other students identify the correct "o" sound.
  • Encourage the students to support their answers with evidence from the word cards.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity, such as creating a poster or presentation to teach their peers about vowel pronunciation. Students can use the word cards from the guided practice activity to create their poster or presentation. Encourage the students to be creative and use the information they learned to help their peers understand vowel pronunciation.


  • Review the different "o" sounds and their corresponding word cards.
  • Have students share their projects with the class.


  • Observe students during independent practice and give feedback on their posters and presentations.
  • Collect and review students' work for accurate and consistent use of vowel sounds.

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