
Topic: Verbs

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify verbs in a sentence and explain the function of verbs in a sentence.


  • Verb cards (e.g. run, jump, eat, drink, play, read, write, etc.)
  • Sentence strips with verbs and nouns mixed together
  • Pencils and paper for writing


  • Ask students to name some verbs they know (e.g. run, jump, eat, drink, play, read, write, etc.).
  • Write the verbs on the board and ask students to explain what each verb means.
  • Introduce the term "verb" and explain that verbs are actions or things that people do.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the list of verbs from the warm-up activity and ask students to recall the meanings of each verb.
  • Explain that verbs have different forms called tenses. Present the past, present, and future tenses using examples from the list of verbs.
  • Emphasize that the way verbs are used in a sentence can change the meaning of the sentence. Use examples to demonstrate how changing the verb can change the meaning of a sentence (e.g. "The boy is reading" can mean that the boy is currently reading or that he has already finished reading. "The boy will be reading" can mean that the boy is currently reading or that he will be reading in the future. "The boy has been reading" can mean that the boy has already finished reading).

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a set of verbs and sentence cards.
  • Have students work together to combine the verbs and sentence cards into meaningful sentences. Encourage them to consider how the verb forms change the meaning of the sentence.
  • As a group, have students share their sentences with the class and discuss any differences in interpretation.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a topic they are interested in (e.g. favorite toys, games, activities, food, etc.) and create a poster that lists verbs related to that topic.
  • Encourage students to use the verbs in their posters in a correctly conjugated form.


  • Review the meaning of verbs and their conjugated forms.
  • Ask students to share their posters with the class.
  • Prompt students to use the verbs in a sentence to demonstrate proper conjugation.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of verb conjugation.
  • Collect and review their posters to assess their ability to use verbs in a sentence.

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