Free 4th Grade The Colours Lesson Plan

Topic: The Colours


  • To know how many colours there are in English and be able to name them.


  • Set of small pictures of different objects (e.g. a red apple, a blue sky, a yellow toy car, etc.)
  • Chart paper or whiteboard
  • Markers or crayons


  • Ask students if they know what colours are and what they look like.
  • Write down the names of a few colours on the chart paper or whiteboard and ask students to call out the colours they see.

Direct Instruction

  • Tell students that there are many colours in the world, and that there are names for each colour in different languages.
  • Show the pictures of different colours and ask students to name the colour in their own language.
  • Ask students to repeat the names of the colours in English, and write them down on the chart paper or whiteboard.

Guided practice

  • Bring out a set of coloured pencils or coloured markers and show them to the class.
  • Ask students to think of a colour and name it in English.
  • Have them close their eyes and use a pencil or marker to colour in a section of the paper in their chosen colour.
  • Ask them to open their eyes and show the class their coloured section, and name the colour in English.

Independent practice

  • Give each student a piece of coloured paper and a set of coloured pencils or markers.
  • Ask them to name a colour and use the materials to colour in a section of their paper in their chosen colour.
  • Have them share their coloured sections with the class and name the colours in English.


  • Review the colours and their names in English.
  • Ask students to share something they enjoyed about the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice and take notes on their use of colours and their pronunciation of colour names.
  • Have students complete a short quiz to assess their understanding of the lesson material.

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