
Topic: Reading

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, _____ will be able to identify and pronounce basic sounds in the English language and use those sounds to read simple words.


  • Word cards with common words such as "cat," "dog," "hat," "ball," "book," and "car"
  • Alphabet cards for each student
  • A whiteboard and markers


  • Review the alphabet with the students. Tell them that they will be learning how to read today and that they will be able to read the words on the word cards.
  • Show the students the alphabet cards and call out a letter. Ask the students to raise their hand if they can see that letter on the alphabet card.
  • Continue through all the letters, encouraging the students to raise their hand whenever they see the letter.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the word cards to the students. Explain that these are the words that they will be learning how to read today.
  • Ask the students to look at each word and try to say it out loud. If they cannot say the word, help them by sounding out the letters.
  • If a student recognizes a word, encourage them to say it out loud. Praise them for recognizing the word and help them sound out the letters if needed.

Guided Reading

  • Show the students the picture cards and ask them to point to the one that matches the word on the word card.
  • Have the students take turns choosing a word card and matching it to the correct picture card.
  • Continue this process until all of the word cards have been matched to a picture card.

Independent Reading

  • Have the students sit in a quiet area and choose a word card.
  • Ask the students to look at the picture cards and find the one that matches the word card they chose.
  • Encourage the students to point to the word card and say the word out loud.


  • Ask the students to share something they learned about reading today.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice activity to see if they are able to create a book with all the required elements.

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