Present Simple Tense Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade Students

Topic: Present Simple Tense

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand and be able to use the present simple tense to talk about regular, routine actions and general truths.


  • Worksheets with practice sentences for each student
  • Bulletin board with examples of present simple tense sentences


  • Ask the students to share some examples of actions or things they do on a regular basis, such as wake up, go to school, eat dinner, play with friends. Write these on the board.
  • Ask the students if they can use the present simple tense to describe these actions or things, such as "I wake up at 6:30 every morning," "I go to school every day," "I eat dinner with my family every night."
  • Encourage the students to think of additional examples and add them to the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the present simple tense and explain that it is used to talk about actions or things that happen on a regular basis or that are true for the present time.
  • Give the students some additional examples of the present simple tense and have them repeat after you.
  • Review the ending pattern for the present simple tense ( -(e)s or -(y)es for regular verbs, -(i)es for irregular verbs).

Guided Practice

  • Give the students a few verbs in the present simple tense and have them conjugate them.
  • Go through the list of verbs together and have the students provide examples of how each verb is used.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students come up with a list of verbs that they use in their everyday lives.
  • Have them write a sentence using each verb and present it to the class for correction.
  • Repeat this process with a new set of verbs.


  • Review the main points of the lesson: the present simple tense, how to conjugate it, and how to use it in sentences.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned today and one new verb they learned.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice and give feedback on their use of the present simple tense.
  • Have the students complete a simple quiz with multiple choice questions that focus on the present simple tense.

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