Prepositional Phrases

Topic: prepositional phrases

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, students will be able to use prepositional phrases in German sentences.


  • Flashcards with German prepositional phrases (e.g. "an der Wand", "auf dem Tisch", "im Badezimmer")
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Ask students if they know what a preposition is. Write the following prepositions on the board: "an", "auf", "hinter", "neben", "vor". Ask students to say the preposition out loud and provide an example of where they might see the preposition in a sentence (e.g. "Ich stehe an der Wand." - I am standing against the wall).

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of prepositional phrases and their function in a sentence. Ask students to think of a prepositional phrase that they already know, such as "in the classroom". Ask them to describe the structure of the prepositional phrase, and have them identify the preposition ("in") and the object of the preposition ("the classroom"). Ask students to think of another prepositional phrase, such as "on the chair", and repeat the process of identifying the preposition and its object.
  • Review the list of prepositions on the board and ask students to provide examples of each preposition in a prepositional phrase.
  • Explain that prepositional phrases always come at the beginning of a sentence and cannot be separated from the rest of the sentence without changing the meaning.

Guided Practice

  • Distribute the prepositional phrase worksheets to students and have them work in pairs to complete the exercises. The worksheets should include prepositional phrases with multiple options for the preposition and its object. For example, the worksheet might include the prepositional phrase "in the classroom" with options for the preposition ("on", "in", or "at") and the object of the preposition ("the classroom", "the desk", or "the chair"). Have students work together to identify the correct preposition and object for each prepositional phrase on the worksheet.
  • When students have finished the worksheets, bring the class back together and review the correct answers as a group. As a final activity, have students create their own prepositional phrases by placing a preposition and its object on a blank template. For example, they might create a prepositional phrase such as "on the chair" by placing the preposition "on" and the object "the chair" on the template.

Independent Practice

  • For independent practice, have students create a class book of prepositional phrases. For each page of the book, students should create a new prepositional phrase and illustrate it. For example, they might create a page with the prepositional phrase "in the classroom" and then draw a picture of themselves in the classroom.
  • Alternatively, you could have students create a class book about a familiar topic, such as their favorite animal or favorite activity. For each page of the book, students should include a prepositional phrase that describes the topic and then draw a picture of the topic.


  • To wrap up the lesson, have students share their prepositional phrase books with the class. Ask students to say their prepositional phrases and then have them point to the corresponding illustration.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of prepositional phrases, their ability to create correct sentences, and their ability to effectively communicate using their prepositional phrase books. -Administer a quiz or test to assess students' knowledge of prepositional phrases. The quiz could include multiple choice, fill in the blank, and written answers to assess students' understanding of prepositional phrases, their ability to create correct sentences, and their ability to effectively communicate using their prepositional phrase books.

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