Lost At The Carnival Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Example Students

Topic: lost at the carnival

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the meaning of the words "lost" and "carnival."
  • Students will be able to retell the story "The Lost Coin" in their own words.


  • Copies of the story "The Lost Coin"
  • Pencils
  • Paper


  • Using tongue twisters

lead in

Ask students to share their experiences with being lost and going to a carnival.

Direct Instruction

Read the text "Lost at the Carnival" to the class. As you read, pause to discuss the meaning of the words in the text. Ask students to give the meaning of each word as you come to it.

Ask students to summarize the story in their own words.

Guided Practice

Divide the class into small groups. Give each group a copy of the text "Lost at the Carnival" and have them reread it, paying close attention to the words.

  • Have each group discuss the story and come up with a list of words they did not understand. Have them use a dictionary or other resource to find the meanings of the words they do not understand.

Independent Practice

Have students choose one of the words they learned during guided practice and use it in a short writing project. They can write a short story or poem using the word, or they can use it in a sentence to demonstrate its meaning.


Have students share their writing projects with the class.

Review the words and their meanings one last time.


Observe students during the independent practice activity and give feedback on their use of vocabulary.

  • Collect and grade the writing projects.
  • Administer a quiz to assess students' understanding of the words and their meanings.

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