Introducing Onself And Others Lesson Plan for 4th Grade Example Students

Topic:introducing onself and others

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this activity, students will be able to introduce themselves and their friends by using proper manners and language.


  • Blank name tags
  • Pencils
  • Handouts with prompts for introductions (e.g. name, age, favorite activity, etc.)


  • Ask students to share their names and ages with the class.
  • As a class, make a list of all the students' names.
  • Have students practice saying their names a few times to get comfortable saying it out loud.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to students that it's important to introduce themselves and their friends to new people.
  • Show students how to introduce themselves and a friend by demonstrating on a pair of students.
  • Have students watch and repeat after you, using the proper introductions.
  • Example: "Hi, my name is John and this is my friend Alice. Nice to meet you."

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into pairs or small groups.
  • Have students introduce themselves and a friend to their partner or group members.
  • Encourage students to use the proper introductions and manners.
  • Have students practice introducing each other and provide feedback on their introductions.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose two people in the class to introduce.
  • Encourage students to use proper introductions and manners.
  • Have students present their introductions to the class and explain their manners.


  • Review the importance of introductions and manners.
  • Have students share one thing they learned about introductions and manners.


  • Observe students during their independent practice and provide feedback on their presentations.
  • Collect and review their name cards as a form of assessment.

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