Character Traits

Topic: Describing the Characteristics of Different Characters

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and describe the characteristics of different characters in a story.


  • A story with multiple characters (such as a book or short story)
  • A list of character traits (such as "kind, curious, brave, patient")
  • Post-it notes or small pieces of paper


  • To begin, ask students to think about the characters in a story they recently read or heard about.
  • Ask them to share one character from the story and describe one characteristic or trait that the character has.
  • Encourage them to use descriptive words and give examples of what a character might do or say that shows this trait.

Direct Instruction

  • Next, introduce the concept of character traits and explain that these are characteristics or qualities that a person has.
  • Provide examples of some common character traits, such as kind, brave, or funny.
  • Ask students to think about the characters in a story they are currently reading or will be reading and ask them to identify and describe the character traits of those characters.

Guided Practice

  • Following reading time, encourage students to work in pairs or small groups to discuss and list the character traits of the characters they have been reading about.
  • Provide support as needed and assist students in identifying and describing character traits.

Independent Practice

  • Give students a worksheet or activity sheet to use to write and illustrate the character traits of a favorite character.
  • Encourage students to use their own words and to provide specific examples to support their character trait descriptions.


  • Review the character traits that were discussed during the lesson. Ask students to share their illustrations and character trait descriptions with the class.
  • Discuss the importance of character traits and how they can influence the decisions and actions of characters in a story.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of character traits and their ability to accurately reflect these traits in their illustrations and character trait descriptions.
  • Collect and review the character trait posters created during independent practice to assess student understanding and ability to apply character traits in a different medium.
  • Administer a quiz or written assessment to assess student understanding of the character traits discussed in the lesson.

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