3rd Grade Dream Jars Lesson Plan

Topic: Dream Jars

Objectives & Overcomes

  • Students will be able to write a paragraph about their dream jar and what they would put in it.


  • Plastic jars
  • Stickers
  • Markers
  • Construction paper
  • Pencils


  • Have students stand up and stretch their bodies. Ask them to think about their dream job and describe it to the class.
  • Ask students to share their dream job with a partner.
  • As a class, make a list of the different dream jobs that are mentioned.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a dream jar to the class. Explain that a dream jar is a special jar that we can use to store our dreams and aspirations.
  • Ask students to think about their dream jar. What do they want to put in it? What do they want to keep safe and close to their heart?
  • Have students write about their dream jar in their journals or on paper. Encourage them to be creative and use descriptive language.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to create a collage or a drawing of their dream jar.
  • Have students share their dream jar creations with the class and explain why they chose the items they did.
  • Ask students to share one thing they have learned about themselves through the dream jar exercise.

Independent Practice

  • Have students write a paragraph about their dream jar. They should include at least three items they put in their dream jar and explain why they chose those items.
  • Encourage students to use descriptive language and detail in their writing.


  • Have students share their paragraphs with the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on their own dream jars and think about which items they would put in their jars if they could choose any item in the world.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure that they are writing paragraphs and not simply writing one or two sentences.
  • Collect and review students' paragraphs to assess their understanding of the concept of a dream jar and their ability to write about a dream jar in a paragraph.

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