3rd Grade Theory And Practice Of Reading Lesson Plan

Topic: theory and practice of reading

Objectives & Outcomes

  • students will understand the theory and practice of reading, including the parts of a book and how to read it correctly
  • students will be able to apply their understanding of reading in real-life situations


  • books
  • pencils
  • paper


  • Ask students to share their favorite story or book.
  • Ask students to share what they like about the story or book.
  • Ask students what they think makes a story or book interesting.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of a story and the components of a story (character, setting, plot, theme).
  • Have students brainstorm a list of possible characters, settings, and plots they can think of.
  • Discuss the importance of theme in a story and how it can help us understand the deeper meaning of the story.

Guided Practice -

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Have each group brainstorm a list of possible themes for their story.
  • Have students share their ideas with the class and discuss why they chose each theme.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a theme for their story and write a brief summary of the plot.
  • Encourage students to use descriptive language and detail to enhance the story.
  • Have students draw a picture to accompany their story.


  • Have students share their stories with the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on what they learned about reading and writing during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to assess their understanding of the concepts covered in the lesson.
  • Collect and review the stories written during independent practice to assess student understanding of the concept of closure.

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