Dodgeball Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade Example Students

Topic: Identify the different movements used when playing dodgeball. Learn to play different variations of dodgeball using teamwork and strategy

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Understand the basic movements used in dodgeball, including standing, running, jumping, ducking, and throwing.
  • Learn how to play different variations of dodgeball using teamwork and strategy.


  • Dodgeballs
  • A large open space for running and jumping
  • Notepads and pens


  • Have the students stand in a straight line. On your count, have them run to one side of the space, then back to the line on your count.
  • On your next count, have them run to the other side of the space, then back to the line.
  • On your next count, have them run to one side of the space, then drop to the ground and roll to the other side of the space, then get back up and run to the line.
  • On your next count, have them run to the other side of the space, then drop to the ground and roll to the first side of the space, then get back up and run to the line.
  • Continue this pattern, adding in a jump and a duck on the way to the line.
  • On your next count, have them run to one side of the space, then drop to the ground and roll to the other side of the space, then get back up and run to the line.
  • On your next count, have them run to the other side of the space, then drop to the ground and roll to the first side of the space, then get back up and run to the line.
  • Continue this pattern, adding in a jump and a duck on the way to the line.
  • When the students are comfortable with this pattern, have them practice it without any direction or count from you.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of dodgeball and explain the different types of the game (such as elimination, where players are eliminated if they are hit by a ball, and points, where players earn points based on how many times they are hit by a ball).
  • Discuss the movement patterns and techniques used in dodgeball, such as ducking, jumping, and rolling to avoid being hit by balls.
  • Demonstrate the different movements and have the students imitate them.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the students into pairs or small groups and provide each group with a ball.
  • Have the students practice the movement patterns and techniques while moving around the room.
  • Encourage the students to be creative and think strategically when playing the game.

Independent Practice

  • Divide the students into two equal teams and provide each team with 6-10 balls.
  • Have the students play a game of dodgeball using the movement patterns and techniques they learned during guided practice.
  • Encourage the students to use teamwork and strategy to win the game.


  • Review the different movements and techniques used during the game of dodgeball.
  • Ask the students to share their favorite parts of the game and why they liked it.


  • Observe the students during the game to see if they are using the correct movements and techniques.
  • Have the students complete a worksheet where they have to identify the different movements and techniques used during the game of dodgeball.

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