3rd Grade Positive And Negative Numbers Lesson Plan

Topic: positive and negative numbers

Objectives & Outcomes

  • students will be able to read and write positive and negative numbers with ease and confidence.


  • whiteboard and markers
  • practice sheets with positive and negative numbers written in both words and numbers
  • manipulatives such as counters or unifix cubes (optional)


  • ask students if they know what a negative number is.
  • ask them to give examples of negative numbers.
  • then, ask them to give examples of positive numbers.

Direct Instruction

  • introduce the concept of positive and negative numbers, and explain that positive numbers indicate a distance away from zero, while negative numbers indicate a distance toward zero.
  • show students the number line and have them visualize the concept of positive and negative numbers.
  • explain the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers, using examples and manipulatives.

Guided Practice

  • have students work in pairs to solve a set of problems using the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.
  • walk around the room and provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • have students work on a project-based activity in which they create their own r-w positive and negative number word problem and use the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers to solve it.
  • encourage students to be creative and use their literacy skills to write a story or create a picture book that explains their problem and solution.


  • review the rules for adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers and how to represent them on a number line.
  • ask students to share their positive and negative number word problems and solutions with the class.


  • observe students during the independent practice activity to see if they are able to create their own positive and negative number word problems and solutions.
  • check the students' work during independent practice to assess their understanding of adding and subtracting positive and negative numbers.

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