3rd Grade Multiply And Divide Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: Multiply and divide within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.
  • Students will be able to use drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem in solving word problems.


  • Arrays of counters or small objects (e.g., pennies, buttons) for practicing solving word problems in situations involving equal groups
  • Measuring devices (e.g., ruler, meter stick) for practicing solving word problems in situations involving measurement quantities
  • Worksheets with word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities


  • Review the concept of equal groups by discussing examples such as sharing a pizza with friends or dividing a pile of candies into smaller piles. Ask students to share any experiences they have had with equal groups.
  • Ask students to think of a measurement quantity they commonly encounter in their daily lives (e.g., length, weight, volume). Have them brainstorm a list of ways they could divide the measurement quantity into equal groups. Write their ideas on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of multiplication as repeated addition.
  • Demonstrate how to use multiplication to solve word problems involving equal groups, e.g., by drawing a diagram to represent the problem and using multiplication to find the total number of groups.
  • Introduce the concept of division as the opposite of multiplication.
  • Demonstrate how to use division to solve word problems involving equal groups, e.g., by drawing a diagram to represent the problem and using division to find each group's share.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to solve word problems involving equal groups, e.g., by drawing a diagram to represent the problem and using multiplication or division to find the total number of groups or each group's share.
  • Check students' work for accuracy.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity to solve word problems involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities.
  • Students should use their understanding of multiplication and division within 100 to solve the problems and should also draw a diagram to represent the problem.
  • Students should use symbols for the unknown numbers to represent the problems.
  • Encourage students to discuss their reasoning and work with their partner.


  • Have students share their project-based activity with the class and discuss the solutions to the word problems.
  • Have students reflect on their own learning and discuss what they found most challenging and most interesting about solving the word problems.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and take notes on their understanding of the word problems and their ability to use multiplication and division within 100 to solve them.
  • Have students turn in their project-based activity (e.g., a written report or a presentation of their Lego model) for review and a grade.
  • Use the participation in class discussions and the completion of the independent practice activity as a formative assessment of students' understanding of multiplication and division within 100.

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