Free 3rd Grade Addition Of Unit Fractions Lesson Plan (Math)

Topic: Addition of Unit Fractions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to add unit fractions with different denominators using the concept of least common denominator (LCD).


  • Set of unit fractions with different denominators (e.g. , , , , , etc.)
  • Poster paper and markers


  • Ask students if they have heard of unit fractions before. Ask them to describe what unit fractions are.
  • Show the class a set of unit fractions with different denominators and ask them to add any two fractions from the set.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the term " LCD " (least common denominator). Explain that the LCD is the smallest denominator that is shared by all the unit fractions being added.
  • Show the class another set of unit fractions with different denominators and ask them to find the LCD.
  • Ask students to write the LCD and the unit fractions with their corresponding numerators and denominators on the board.
  • Model how to add the unit fractions using the LCD as a guide.

Guided Practice

  • Show the class a few more examples of unit fractions to be added using their calculators.
  • Ask students to work in pairs and assist them as needed.
  • Have students summarize the steps they took to find the LCD and add the unit fractions.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a worksheet containing several unit fractions to be added using their calculators.
  • Ask students to work independently to find the LCD and add the unit fractions.
  • Encourage students to check their answers with a partner or the teacher.


  • Review the concept of LCD and how it can be used to add unit fractions.
  • Ask students to share any questions or challenges they experienced while practicing adding unit fractions using their calculators.
  • Remind students that they can use LCD to add any unit fractions, not just the ones they practiced today.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice to assess their ability to use LCD to add unit fractions.
  • Collect and review their calculator work to assess their ability to add unit fractions using the LCD.
  • Ask a few students to come to the front of the class and explain their work to the class to assess their understanding of the concept and how to use it to add unit fractions.

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