Free 3rd Grade Fiction Digital Storyboard Lesson Plan (Language Arts)

Topic: After Reading Stories

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to understand and interpret the main ideas and key details in a story after reading it.


  • Short story or passage from a book
  • Computers or tablets with access to software for creating digital stories (such as KidPix or Doodle Buddy)
  • Pencils or pens


  • Ask students to share their favorite book or story.
  • Ask them to share what their favorite part of the story was and why they liked it.
  • Encourage them to use descriptive words to describe the characters, setting, and events in the story.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of digital storytelling and show students some examples.
  • Discuss the importance of planning and how a storyboard can help us visualize and organize our ideas.
  • Demonstrate how to create a digital storyboard using a software program (e.g. PowerPoint, Keynote).
  • Show students how to create frames for different scenes in the story and add images, text, and/or audio to each frame.
  • Discuss the importance of including descriptive words, relevant details, and emotional responses in the storyboard.

Guided Practice

  • Hand out the copies of the text that students have read and review it together as a class.
  • Have students create a digital storyboard for the story using the software program. Have students share their storyboards with a partner and give feedback on the organization and content.
  • Have students share their storyboards with the class and discuss the planning and organizing strategies used.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a different story to read and create a digital storyboard for it. Encourage them to use the planning and organizing strategies they have learned to create a cohesive and engaging storyboard.


  • Have students share their digital storyboards with the class. Ask them to reflect on what they learned about creating digital storyboards and how they can use these strategies in their own creative projects.


  • Observe students as they work on their own digital storyboard and provide feedback on their use of storyboarding techniques and their understanding of the concept of closure in a text.
  • Collect and review students' digital storyboards to assess their understanding of closure and their ability to create a digital storyboard.

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