The Novel The Wild Life By Laura And Phillip Bunting That Addresses Comprehension Strategies Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade Example Students

Topic: Comprehension Strategies: Introductory Lesson For The Novel The Wild Life By Laura And Phillip Bunting

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To understand the main ideas of the novel The Wild Life by Laura and Phillip Bunting
  • To be able to apply comprehension strategies to understand and interpret the events and characters in the novel


  • Copies of the novel The Wild Life by Laura and Phillip Bunting for each student
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Small pieces of paper


  • Ask the students to spend a few minutes taking a quick look through the novel to get a feel for the illustrations and the story. Have them raise their hands if they see any animals that they know.
  • Ask the students to turn to a page in the middle of the book and spend a few minutes talking about what they see on the page. Which animals do they see? What do they think is happening in the picture?

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the novel, The Wild Life, by Laura and Phillip Bunting.
  • Discuss the main characters and their adventures in the wild.
  • Review the comprehension strategies that will be used throughout the reading and comprehension activities, such as making predictions, asking questions, making connections, and using visual imagery.
  • Demonstrate the use of the comprehension strategies on a few pages from the novel.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to read a section of the novel together.
  • Have them use the comprehension strategies to analyze the text and discuss what they have read.
  • Encourage them to ask questions and make connections to the characters and events in the text.
  • Have each pair share their thoughts and insights with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a different chapter to read independently.
  • Have them use the comprehension strategies to analyze the text and take notes on specific details and events.
  • Encourage them to ask questions and make connections to the characters and events in the text.
  • Have them write a brief summary of the chapter and illustrate a scene from the text.


  • Have students share their summaries and illustrations with the class.
  • Discuss any questions or connections that the students have about the text.
  • Review the comprehension strategies and ask students to share one that they found particularly helpful.


  • Observe students during independent practice and use their summaries and illustrations to assess their understanding of the text.
  • Collect and review summaries and illustrations to assess students' use of comprehension strategies.

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