Summer Vacation Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade Example Students

Topic: Summer vacation

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify the activities they enjoy doing during summer vacation.


  • Pictures of various summer vacation activities (e.g. swimming, camping, hiking, etc.)
  • Chart paper and markers


  • Ask students to share what they did during their last summer vacation.
  • Write their responses on the chart paper.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the topic of summer vacation and explain that it is a time when many people go on vacation.
  • Ask students to brainstorm ideas for activities they could do during summer vacation. Write their ideas on the chart paper.
  • Explain that there are many different kinds of summer vacations, and that people can choose to go on vacation in many different ways, such as by plane, train, or car.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and ask each group to come up with one activity they might do on their summer vacation.
  • Have each group share their activity with the class and discuss how it might be different from the activities of other students.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and ask them to draw a picture of what they plan to do on their summer vacation.
  • Have students share their pictures with the class and discuss how everyone's vacation plans are similar and different.


  • Review the -esidents of summer vacation-esidents and their activities.
  • Ask students to share one thing they are looking forward to doing on their summer vacation.


  • Observe students during the discussion and observations to assess understanding of the -esidents of summer vacation-esidents and their activities.
  • Collect and review the -esidents lists to assess understanding of the -esidents of summer vacation-esidents.
  • Assess student participation in the discussion and independent practice to assess understanding of the importance of planning and -ocating a -ay for summer vacation.
  • Assess the craftivity to assess understanding of the importance of planning and -ocating a -ay for summer vacation.

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