Free 3rd Grade Reading And Writing Vowel Sounds Lesson Plan

Topic: Vowel Sounds

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify, pronounce, and write the five English vowel sounds: "a", "e", "i", "o", and "u".
  • Students will be able to identify and pronounce the vowel sounds in words in a sentence.


  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Word list with words containing each of the five vowel sounds (e.g. cat, bed, hat, fed, bird, dog, leg)
  • Chart paper and markers (optional, for students to take home)


  • Begin by reading a short story to the students, with each word containing a different vowel sound. As you read, have the students raise their hand whenever they hear a vowel sound they are familiar with.
  • After reading the story, ask the students to share which vowel sounds they heard and how they know what they are.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the vowel sounds that the students identified from the previous activity. Point to each vowel symbol on the board and have the students repeat the name of the vowel sound.
  • Explain that there are some vowel sounds that can be difficult to distinguish from one another, especially when they are close in pronunciation. One example is the sounds for "a" and "e," which can sound very similar when said quickly.
  • Show the students some words that contain "a" and "e" and have them say the vowel sound out loud. Then, have them listen as you say the word again, but this time with the other vowel sound. Ask the students if they can hear the difference in pronunciation.

Guided Practice

  • Cut out or photocopy several sets of vowel sound flash cards. Divide the students into small groups and have them work together to sort the cards into piles based on the vowel sound written on the card.
  • Have each group present their sorted piles to the class and explain their reasoning for sorting the cards in that way.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work individually or in small groups to create a short story or poem using vowel sound flash cards. Students should choose a vowel sound and use it in at least one word in their story or poem. They can use the flash cards as inspiration or use them to actually spell out the words in their story or poem.
  • Encourage students to be creative and have fun with their stories or poems.


  • Have students share their vowel sound stories or poems with the class.
  • Review the vowel sounds that were used and discuss any challenges that students may have had in using the vowel sounds in their stories or poems.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure that they are using the correct vowel sounds in their writing.
  • Collect and review their vowel sound stories or poems to assess their understanding of the vowel sounds and their ability to use them in writing.

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