Free 3rd Grade Analyzing Grade Level Text To Determine Literary Theme Lesson Plan

Topic: Analyzing grade level text to determine literary theme

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to analyze the setting, plot, characters, and layout of a grade level text to determine its literary theme.


  • A grade level text (e.g. a chapter from a reader or grade level chapter book)
  • Handouts with questions for analyzing the setting, plot, characters, and layout of a text
  • Copies of the text for each student


  • Have students close their eyes and think of their favorite book.
  • Ask them to describe the setting of the book (where it takes place), the plot (what happens), the characters (who is in it), and the layout (how it is organized, such as in verse or in chapters).
  • Discuss the importance of each of these elements in a book and how they can help us understand the theme.

Direct Instruction

  • Show the students the grade level text that you have selected and ask them to identify the setting, plot, characters, and layout.
  • As a class, discuss each element and how it contributes to the theme of the book.
  • If necessary, provide additional examples or definitions for the terms.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the handouts with the literary terms listed on them.
  • Have students work in pairs to identify and explain each term in relation to the book's theme.
  • Encourage students to use examples from the text to support their answers.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose a different book from the one used for the guided practice activity and complete the theme analysis activity for it.
  • Encourage students to use a variety of techniques and resources to gather information about the book's theme, including reading the book, talking to their teacher or peers, and using the internet.


  • Have students share their findings about the theme of their book with the class.
  • Ask students to reflect on how they determined the theme of their book and what they learned about literary themes by doing the activity.


  • Observe student during independent practice to assess their understanding of analyzing the layout, plot, characters, and setting of a book to determine its theme.
  • Collect and review the independent practice projects to assess student's ability to identify and explain the theme of a book.

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