3rd Grade 3 Sound Of Ed Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Reading words with the "ed" suffix

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to read words with the "ed" suffix with proper pronunciation and intonation.


  • Word cards with words containing the "ed" suffix
  • Pictures of objects that correspond with the words
  • Index cards
  • Markers or pens


  • Show the students the word cards with words containing the "ed" suffix and ask them to read the words aloud.
  • Encourage the students to exaggerate the pronunciation of the words with the "ed" suffix.
  • Ask the students to raise their hands if they are able to read the words correctly.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the students that there are three different ways to pronounce the "ed" suffix.
  • Show the students the word cards with words containing the "ed" suffix again, this time with the corresponding hand gestures for each pronunciation.
  • Have the students practice saying the three sounds of "ed" out loud with the corresponding hand gestures.
  • Remind the students to exaggerate the pronunciation of the "ed" suffix.

Guided Practice

  • Split the students into pairs.
  • Give each pair a set of word cards with words containing the "ed" suffix.
  • Have the students take turns showing a word to their partner and saying the three sounds of "ed" out loud with the corresponding hand gestures.
  • Encourage the students to help each other if they are having trouble pronouncing a word correctly.
  • When the practice is complete, have the students place the word cards in a sorted pile with the correct pronunciation on top, incorrect pronunciation on bottom, and plain word cards in the middle.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen.
  • Ask the students to write a sentence using at least one word with the "ed" suffix.
  • Encourage the students to use the word cards from the guided practice to help them with spelling.
  • When the independent practice is complete, have the students share their sentences with the class.


  • Review the three sounds of "ed" and remind the students how to read them.
  • Ask the students to share one thing they learned about reading "ed" words today.
  • Thank the students for their participation and ask them to put their materials away.


  • Observe the students during independent practice to assess their ability to read the three sounds of "ed".
  • Have the students take a quiz where they must identify which sound each "ed" word starts with, or have them read a "ed" word and select the corresponding work from a group of options.

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