Programs Control Structures Lesson Plan for 3rd Grade Example Students

Topic: Compare and contrast selection control structures in computer programming, including if-then statements and switch statements.

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to define selection control structures and compare and contrast if-then statements and switch statements in terms of syntax, functionality, and advantages and disadvantages.


  • Computer with internet access
  • Textual or visual examples of if-then statements and switch statements


  • Ask students if they have ever used a computer or smartphone before, and if so, what kinds of games or apps they have played or used.
  • Ask students if they have ever seen if-then statements or switch statements in computer programming or heard of them before.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of selection control structures, explaining that they are used to make decisions in computer programming.
  • Using the if-then statement as an example, explain that the if-then statement allows the programmer to make a decision based on a condition or conditionally execute code based on a condition being true or false.
  • Using the switch statement as an example, explain that the switch statement allows the programmer to make a decision based on a variable or expression having one of a limited number of values.
  • Demonstrate how to use if-then statements and switch statements in a simple programming example, such as a guessing game.

Guided Practice

  • Provide students with a set of problems or puzzles and have them solve the problems or puzzles using if-then statements and switch statements.
  • As students work, circulate and provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Provide students with a project-based challenge that involves using multiple selection control structures to control the flow of program execution. For example, have them write a program that plays a simple game or constructs a simple -scenario.


  • Ask students to share their projects with the class and discuss how they used selection control structures to control the flow of program execution.


  • Observe students during the guided practice and independent practice activities to assess their understanding of selection control structures.
  • Collect and review their programs to assess their ability to use selection control structures to control the flow of program execution.

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