3rd Grade Understanding Online Safety And Privacy Lesson Plan Example (Computer Education)

Topic: Understanding online safety and privacy

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify different types of online safety threats and take measures to protect themselves from them.
  • Students will be able to understand the different privacy options available on various online services and how to use them.


  • Computers or tablets with internet access
  • Handouts with definitions and examples of online safety threats (e.g. malware, phishing, identity theft, etc.) and privacy options (e.g. cookies, private browsing, etc.)


  • Begin by asking students what they know about online safety and privacy. Write their answers on the board.
  • Next, show students a few different online safety threats and ask them to explain what they are and how they can be avoided.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the basic principles of online safety, including the importance of using strong passwords, avoiding unknown or untrusted sites, and not sharing personal information.
  • Discuss the concept of online privacy and how to take steps to protect it, such as using private browsing mode and deleting cookies.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to complete a short activity or worksheet on online safety and privacy.
  • Assist students as needed and provide feedback on their work.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create their own "Internet Safety 101" presentation.
  • Students can present their findings to the class and share tips on how to stay safe while browsing the internet.


  • Review the key points of the lesson and discuss the importance of online safety and privacy.
  • Ask students to share any additional tips or strategies they learned for staying safe while surfing the internet.


  • Observe students during the guided practice activity and provide feedback on their ability to create a safe and private browsing session.
  • Collect and review the lists of safe and unsafe websites generated by students during independent practice.
  • Administer a short quiz at the end of the lesson to assess students' understanding of the concepts covered.

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