3rd Grade Cyberbullying And How To Deal With It Lesson Plan Example (Computer Education)

Topic: Cyberbullying and How to Deal With It

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand what cyberbullying is and how it occurs.
  • Students will be able to identify and respond to cyberbullying in a safe and responsible way.


  • Computers or tablets with internet access
  • Handouts with information about cyberbullying
  • Examples of situations involving cyberbullying (optional)


  • Ask students to share any experiences they have had with bullying.
  • Ask them to describe how the bullying happened (e.g. face to face, via text message, via social media).
  • Once students have shared their experiences, explain that sometimes bullying can happen online, which is called cyberbullying.

Direct Instruction

  • Define cyberbullying and give examples of behaviors that can be considered cyberbullying (e.g. sending mean messages online, posting hurtful comments or pictures online, attacking someone online).
  • Explain that cyberbullying can have serious consequences, including emotional distress and even suicide.
  • Discuss the importance of treating others with respect online and how to respond if you see someone being cyberbullied.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to identify examples of cyberbullying in a given article or story.
  • Explain that while some forms of cyberbullying can be accidental (e.g. not realizing that a comment or picture is hurtful), it is still important to treat others with respect online and not engage in cyberbullying behavior.
  • Have students think of one action they can take to stop cyberbullying if they see it happening. This could be reporting the behavior to a parent or teacher, talking to the perpetrator about their behavior, or simply ignoring the behavior.

Independent Practice

  • Assign a project where students research a real-life example of cyberbullying and create a presentation on how the situation was resolved. This could be as simple as writing a paragraph on how the situation was resolved or as complex as creating a PowerPoint presentation with visual aids on how the situation was resolved.


  • Review the key points of the lesson and ask students to share what they learned about cyberbullying and how to deal with it.


  • Observe students during the independent practice and make note of their understanding of the topic.
  • Collect and review the projects or presentations for understanding of the topic and the use of proper techniques to deal with cyberbullying.

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