2nd Grade Using Commas In A List Lesson Plan

Topic: Using commas in a list

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify when commas should be used in a list.
  • Students will be able to correctly use commas in a list.


  • Examples of lists with and without commas
  • Pencils and paper for practice


  • Show examples of lists with and without commas and ask students to identify where the commas should be.
  • Write some sentences on the board with lists and have students locate the commas.
  • Ask students to share some of their own examples of lists with and without commas.

Direct Instruction

  • Review the comma rules for lists:
  • A comma should be used before and in a list of three or more items.
  • A comma should be used after the final item in the list if it is followed by another clause (e.g. "and" or "or").
  • A comma should be used after the final item in the list if it is not followed by another clause.
  • A comma should be used after each item in the list if the list is very long (e.g. more than five items).
  • Show examples of each kind of comma usage in lists and have students identify where the commas should be.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups and give each group a set of sentence strips or written sentences.
  • Have students identify where the commas should be in each list and paste or write the commas in the correct places.
  • Have students share their work with the class and explain their reasoning.

Independent Practice

  • Have students work on a project-based activity where they have to create their own list and use commas correctly.
  • Students could create a list of their favorite toys, snacks, books, etc. and use commas correctly in their list.
  • Students could also create a list of things they would not want to -eat for lunch, things they would not want to wear, etc.
  • Have students present their lists to the class and explain why they chose each item and how they used commas correctly.


  • Review the importance of using commas in a list to separate the items and make the list clearer and easier to read.
  • Ask students to share something they learned during the lesson.


  • Observe students during the guided and independent practice activities to ensure they are using commas in lists correctly.
  • Collect and review students' written work to assess their understanding of when to use commas in a list.

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