2nd Grade Light Lesson Plan

Topic: Light

Objectives & Outcomes

  •  Students will understand the different sources of light and the characteristics of each.


  •  Flashlight
  •  Bulb
  •  Window
  •  Light bulb
  •  Sun
  •  Candle
  •  Lamp
  •  Spotlights
  •  Laser pointer


  •  Show the students a range of light sources, such as a flashlight, bulb, window, sun, candle, lamp, spotlights, and a laser pointer. Ask the students to describe what each source of light looks like and how it is different from the others.

Direct Instruction

  •  Explain to the students that light is a type of energy that comes from a source and travels in a straight line. Ask the students to think about what happens when light hits an object.  How does it affect the object?  How does it affect the way we see the object? -  Use the light sources to demonstrate how light behaves differently depending on the source and the object it hits. For example, a flashlight creates a focused beam of light, while the sun creates light that is spread out over a wider area. Hand out the handouts with examples of how light behaves differently depending on the source and the object it hits. Have the students work in pairs to retell the examples using their own words.

Guided Practice

  • Place a cardboard box on the table and cover it with a piece of tissue paper. Ask the students to think about what will happen when light from the different sources is shone on the tissue paper.  Will the light be focused or spread out?  Ask the students to predict how the light will behave when it hits the cardboard box. - Using the light sources, demonstrate how light behaves when it hits the cardboard box. - Have the students work in pairs to describe and draw how the light behaved.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to find a dark area, such as a corner or closet, and sit in the dark for 5 minutes. During this time, they should think about the sources of light around them and draw a picture of the light sources in their environment. - After 5 minutes, have the students come back to the classroom and share their pictures with the class. - Using the pictures as a reference, have the students create a collage of their own light sources using cut-out paper and glue.


  • Ask the students to reflect on what they learned about light during the lesson. - Have the students share one thing they learned about light with the class.

Assessment: Evaluate the students' understanding of light by having them complete a quiz or worksheet that includes questions about the different sources of light and their characteristics. You can also observe their participation in the class activities and their ability to explain what they learned about light.

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