2nd Grade Animals That Help Us Lesson Plan Example (Science)

Topic: Animals that help us

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify animals that help humans and describe how they help.


  • Pictures of different animals (e.g. dog, cat, horse, cow, chicken, pig, fish, etc.)
  • Pen and paper for each student


  • Ask students if they know what it means to help someone. Ask them to share examples of ways that they or their families are helped.
  • Display the pictures of the animals and ask students to think of ways that these animals might help humans.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain that some animals have special abilities that allow them to help humans in different ways.
  • Ask students to share their ideas about how each animal might help humans.
  • Write the ideas on the whiteboard or chart paper.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs or small groups to research one of the animals on the list and create a poster about how the animal helps humans.
  • Hint: You can use online articles, videos, or images to find information about how the animal helps humans.
  • Have students present their posters to the class.

Independent Practice

  • Have students choose one animal on the list to research and create a presentation about how the animal helps humans. Students can use the techniques they learned in class to find information and create their presentation.


  • Have students share their presentations with the class.
  • Review the main points of the lesson: animals can help humans by providing food, clothing, and entertainment, and by helping us with work and research.
  • Ask students to list the animals they learned about and how they help humans.


  • Observe students during independent practice and take notes on their understanding of the topic.
  • Collect and grade the posters or drawings and check for accuracy and completeness.
  • Ask students to write a short paragraph explaining how one of the animals they learned about helps humans.

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