Teks: 2.7(D) Retell And Paraphrase Texts In Ways That Maintain Meaning And Logical Order Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Students

Topic: Retelling and Paraphrasing Texts in Ways that Maintain Meaning and Logical Order

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to retell and paraphrase texts in ways that maintain the meaning and logical order of events.
  • Students will be able to describe what happened in a story in order.


  • Copies of a text for each student (story, poem, passage, etc.)
  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pen or pencil


  • Have students close their eyes and picture a favorite story in their head.
  • Ask them to describe the story to a partner, including what happened and in what order.
  • Have a few pairs share their descriptions with the class.
  • Ask the class if they were able to understand the story based on what the students shared.

Direct Instruction

  • Read a short text, such as a chapter from a chapter book, to the class.
  • Ask students to listen for the main events and order in which they happen.
  • Model how to retell the story by using the main events as a guide and describing what happened in a logical order.
  • Ask students to make notes on the main events and order in which they happen.
  • Ask students to give examples of how they could paraphrase the text to maintain meaning and logical order.

Guided Practice

  • Divide the class into small groups and give each group a short text to read.
  • Ask each group to retell the story to their group using the main events as a guide and describing what happened in a logical order.
  • Have each group share their retelling with the class, asking questions as needed to ensure that the main events and order are correct.
  • Have each group paraphrase the text to maintain meaning and logical order, using their notes as a guide.
  • Have each group share their paraphrased text with the class, asking questions as needed to ensure that the text is accurately represented.

Independent Practice

  • Give each student a short text to read independently, such as a short story or a passage from a book.
  • Have the students retell the story to themselves using the main events as a guide and describing what happened in a logical order.
  • Have the students paraphrase the text to maintain meaning and logical order, using their notes as a guide.
  • Have the students share their retelling and paraphrased text with a partner, asking questions as needed to ensure that the main events and order are correct.
  • Have the students share their retelling and paraphrased text with the class, asking questions as needed to ensure that the main events and order are correct.


Ask students to share one thing they learned from the retelling and paraphrasing activities.

Ask students to share one thing they found challenging about the retelling and paraphrasing activities.

Ask students to share one thing they found easy about the retelling and paraphrasing activities.


Observe students during independent practice and provide feedback on their retelling and paraphrasing skills.

Collect and review the paragraphs written during independent practice to assess understanding of the skill.

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