2.6F Make Inferences And Use Evidence To Support Understanding Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: Making Inferences and Using Evidence to Support Understanding

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to make inferences by drawing logical conclusions based on information provided in a text.
  • Students will be able to use evidence from a text to support their understandings and decisions.


  • Texts with clear and logical examples of making inferences and using evidence to support understanding
  • Pencils and paper for note taking and writing


  • Begin the lesson by asking students to think about a time when they had to make a decision or draw a conclusion based on information they had at the time. Ask them to share their experiences with the class.
  • Next, show the students a picture or object and ask them to share what they think it might be based on their experiences.
  • Finally, show the students a picture or object and ask them to make an inference based on the information they have.

Direct Instruction

  • Explain to the students that making inferences is a skill that we use to draw conclusions based on the information we have.
  • Show the students the picture or object again and this time ask them to share what they think it might be based on the information they have. Then, ask them to explain why they came to that conclusion based on the information they have.
  • Next, introduce the concept of text evidence and explain that it is the information we use to make inferences and draw conclusions about text.
  • Show the students a passage of text and ask them to identify the text evidence in the passage. Then, have them use the text evidence to make inferences about the text.

Guided Practice

  • Give each student a different passage of text and have them work in pairs to identify the text evidence and make inferences about the text.
  • As a class, discuss the inferences that the students made and how they were able to support their conclusions with evidence from the text.

Independent Practice

  • Provide each student with a different passage of text and have them work individually to identify the text evidence and make inferences about the text.
  • Encourage students to use their notes and the text to support their inferences.
  • As students finish, collect their papers and go around the room to review the inferences that each student made and see if the students were able to support their inferences with evidence from the text.


  • Review the key concepts of making inferences and using text evidence to support understanding.
  • Ask students to share one thing they learned about making inferences and using text evidence during the activity.


  • Observe students during the small group and independent practice to see if they are able to make inferences and use text evidence to support their understanding.
  • Collect and review their posters or presentations to assess their understanding of the key concepts.

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