Introduction To Musical Notation And Reading Notes On The Staff Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Students

Topic: Introduction to musical notation and reading notes on the staff

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify different musical symbols and their corresponding musical notation on a staff.
  • Students will be able to read notes on the staff and sing or play them on an instrument.


  • Music sheets with musical notation and symbols printed on them
  • Instruments such as a piano or guitar (optional)


  • Have students stand up and stretch their bodies.
  • Ask students to hum a tune they know and have them join in, gradually increasing the tempo and volume.
  • Once students are comfortable humming and singing, introduce the concept of musical notation and symbols. Ask students to point to different symbols on the music sheet and name what they represent.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the treble and bass clef, and explain the function of each.
  • Show students how to read notes on the staff using the treble clef.
  • Demonstrate how to identify and name different notes on the staff using their corresponding names.
  • Review the names of the different notes on the staff, their corresponding pitches, and the intervals between them.

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs, with one student reading a note on the staff and the other identifying and naming it.
  • Review any notes that students may have difficulty identifying or naming.

Independent Practice

  • Have students create their own short melodies using different notes on the staff. They can use music paper or a computer program to notate their melodies.
  • Encourage students to be creative and have fun with their melodies.

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