Free 2nd Grade Flute Exercises Focusing On Technique Development Lesson Plan

Topic: Flute exercises focusing on technique development

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to demonstrate proper technique on the flute by the end of the lesson.


  • Flutes
  • Basic flute technique exercises (e.g. interlocking fingers, closed blow, centering, etc.)


  • Have students play the "Lord's Prayer" (an easy piece for beginners) individually, slowly and carefully. Make sure they are playing the correct notes and staying in tune.
  • After they have finished the piece, ask them to share their experiences with playing the flute. What did they find easy or difficult? What would they like to improve on?


  • Introduce the concept of phrasing and give an example of a musical phrase (e.g. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star").
  • Have students play the "Lord's Prayer" again, but this time have them focus on phrasing and intonation. If they are having difficulty with phrasing, ask them to imagine that each note has its own name and that they are saying the names out loud as they play.
  • If they are having difficulty with intonation, have them play a chromatic scale (all the notes on the flute) and have them adjust their pitch until it is in tune.

Guided Practice

  • Have students play a simple melody such as "Mary Had a Little Lamb" or "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" on the flute.
  • As they play the melody, provide guidance and feedback on their phrasing and intonation. For example, if a student is playing a musical phrase too quickly, you could say "Slow down - you have plenty of time to get through the phrase."
  • Encourage students to use the techniques you have taught them (e.g. imagining each note has a name) as they practice their melodies.

Independent Practice

  • Have students find a simple tune they enjoy and create a simplified version for the flute by removing some of the notes.
  • Have students practice their simplified version for a few days, then return to the original melody and compare the two.
  • Encourage students to think about how their simplified version has made them a better player, and how they can apply this to their other practice.


  • Review the objectives for the lesson and discuss how practicing the exercises has improved students' flute playing.
  • Ask students to share their simplified versions of the melodies and discuss how they have improved.
  • Remind students that practicing regularly and working on their technique will make them better players and have them sounding their best.

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