2nd Grade Dynamics (Playing Softly, Loudly, And Varying Dynamics Within A Piece) Lesson Plan Example

Topic: Dynamics (playing softly, loudly, and varying dynamics within a piece)

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to recognize the difference between soft and loud dynamics in music.
  • Students will be able to play music with varying dynamics within a piece.


  • Music with soft and loud sections
  • Balanced piano pedals (optional)


  • Have students sit facing the piano. Play a piece of music with soft and loud sections, and ask the students to raise their hands when they hear a loud section and lower their hands when they hear a soft section.
  • As a class, discuss the difference between playing music quietly and playing music loudly.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of dynamics to the students. Explain that dynamics refers to the varying degrees of volume (or intensity) in a piece of music.
  • Play a piece of music with soft and loud sections, and have the students raise and lower their hands to indicate the soft and loud sections.
  • Discuss the difference between playing a piece softly and loudly. Emphasize that when playing softly, the fingers should not hit the keys hard, and when playing loudly, the fingers should hit the keys with more force.

Guided Practice

  • Play a short piece of music for the students, and have them raise and lower their hands to indicate the soft and loud sections.
  • As the students are playing, circulate and offer guidance and feedback as needed.
  • Encourage the students to use a light touch when playing softly, and a firm touch when playing loudly.
  • Ask the students questions about the music, such as what the loud or soft sections are, and what the characters represent.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work in pairs to choose a short piece of music that they would like to play.
  • Have one student play the music softly, while the other student listens and tries to identify the soft sections.
  • Then have the students switch roles and have the second student play the music loudly, while the first listens and identifies the loud sections.
  • Encourage the students to use a light touch when playing softly, and a firm touch when playing loudly.


  • Review the importance of using different dynamics in music, and how it can help to accentuate different sections and create a sense of contrast and dynamics.
  • Have the students share any interesting insights or observations that they had while listening to their partner play the music.


  • Observe the students during independent practice the next day and give them feedback on their use of dynamics in their music.
  • Have the students complete a short quiz where they have to identify which piece of music was played softly, loudly, or with varying dynamics.

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