
Topic: Shapes

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and name basic geometric shapes.


  • Picture cards with a variety of shapes
  • Handouts with definitions and examples of each shape
  • Markers or colored pencils for each student
  • Large paper for drawing


  • Have students stretch their bodies and get ready to focus by doing some simple yoga stretches.
  • Ask them to name the different shapes they see around them in the classroom and in the room they are in.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of shapes to the students, explaining that they are the basic building blocks of visual art and architecture.
  • Show the students different shapes using objects and pictures, and have them name each one as you go.
  • Have the students practice identifying different shapes by asking them to find a specific shape from a group of similar ones.

Guided Practice

  • Show the students a few simple shape-related art projects, such as making a shape collage or creating a painting using only rectangles, circles, and triangles.
  • Have the students work in pairs to complete one of the art projects, providing guidance and assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students work on a shape-related art project of their own choice, using any materials and techniques they choose.
  • Encourage the students to experiment with different ideas and approaches, and to take their time and do their best work.


  • Have the students share their completed art projects with the class.
  • Ask the students to reflect on the importance of shapes in visual art and how they were able to use them in their own projects.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice to assess their understanding of the concept of shapes in visual art.
  • Review the students' art projects to assess their ability to use different shapes in creating their own visual art projects.

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