2nd Grade Geometry 3D And 2D Shapes Lesson Plan Example (Math)

Topic: Geometry 3D and 2D shapes

Objectives & Outcome

  • Students will be able to identify and name 3d shapes.
  • Students will be able to identify and name 2d shapes.


  • Various 3d shapes (e.g. cubes, cylinders, spheres, pyramids)
  • Pictures of 2d shapes (e.g. squares, triangles, rectangles)
  • Pencils and paper for each student


  • Ask students if they know what a 3d shape is. Allow a few students to share their ideas.
  • Show students a picture of a 3d shape and ask them to describe what they see. Ask them to describe the size, shape, and any features (e.g. holes, edges).
  • Show students a picture of a 2d shape and ask them to describe what they see. Ask them to describe the size, shape, and any features (e.g. edges, corners).

Direct Instruction

  • Review the names of the 3d shapes that were introduced during the warm-up (e.g. cube, pyramid, sphere).
  • Show students a picture of a 3d shape and ask them to identify the name of the shape.
  • Show students a picture of a 2d shape and ask them to identify the name of the shape.
  • Introduce the names of the 2d shapes that will be covered in this lesson (e.g. triangle, square, rectangle).

Guided Practice

  • Have students work in pairs to identify the names of the 2d shapes presented in the pictures.
  • Have students work in small groups to identify the names of the 3d shapes presented in the pictures.

Independent Practice

  • Have students draw 2d shapes on a piece of paper and label them with the names of the shapes.
  • Have students create 3d shapes using construction materials such as paper, cardboard, and scissors.
  • Have students create a collage of 2d and 3d objects such as geometric shapes, real-life objects, and illustrations.


  • Review the names of the 2d and 3d shapes that students have learned during the lesson.
  • Ask students to share their collage with the class and explain the meaning of each object and its relation to geometry.


  • Observe students during the independent practice activity and provide feedback on their use of geometry in their collages.
  • Collect and review the collages to assess students' understanding of 3d shapes and recognition of 2d shapes.

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