2nd Grade Collection Of Numbers Lesson Plan Example

Topic: numbers up to 9

Objectives & Outcomes

  • By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to solve problems involving numbers up to 9, including addition and subtraction problems.


  • A collection of flashcards with numbers from 1 to 9
  • A box with small objects such as buttons or marbles
  • A piece of paper and a pencil for each student


  • Write the numbers 1 to 9 on the board and have the students call out the numbers in order.
  • Ask the students to turn to a partner and hold a small object in their hand. Ask them to take turns adding or subtracting one from the number in their hand, until they reach a number between 1 and 9.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of collecting numbers within a given range (e.g., 1-9).
  • Explain that the students will be given problems that ask them to collect numbers within a given range.
  • Show the students an example problem, and have them solve it on their own paper.

Guided Practice

  • Give the students a few more problems that ask them to collect numbers within a given range, and have them solve them together with the teacher.

Independent Practice

  • Give the students a worksheet with a number of problems that ask them to collect numbers within a given range and have them solve them independently.


  • Have the students share their solutions to the problems from the independent practice.
  • Discuss as a class the different strategies that were used to solve the problems and how they can be applied to solving other similar problems.


  • Observe the students during the independent practice to ensure that they are correctly solving the problems within the number 9.
  • Collect the students' solutions to the problems from the independent practice and review them to assess their understanding of the concept of counting within the number 9.
  • Ask the students to explain their strategies for solving the problems and provide support as needed.

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