2nd Grade Bc Curriculum Lesson Plan Example (Language Arts)

Topic: Language and story

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify various types of stories, including oral, written, and visual.
  • Students will be able to explain the purpose of stories, including their role in teaching, inspiring, and entertaining.
  • Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of stories through creative writing or art.


  • Pictures of different types of stories (oral, written, visual)
  • Blank paper and pencils/pens
  • Art supplies (optional; may be used to demonstrate understanding of stories through creative writing or art)


  • Begin by showing the students a few pictures of different types of stories (oral, written, visual).
  • Ask the students to silently think about what they know about each type of story.
  • Then, have the students share their thoughts with a partner or in small groups.
  • As a class, discuss the different types of stories and the purposes they serve.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of narrative texts and explain that these are stories that can teach us about human nature, motivation, and experience, and often reflect a personal journey or strengthen a sense of identity.
  • Discuss examples of narrative texts, such as folktales, myths, and fictional stories.
  • Explain that stories can be used to instruct, inspire, and entertain listeners and readers.

Guided Practice

  • Divide students into small groups and give each group a narrative text to read and discuss.
  • Encourage students to think about the human nature, motivation, and experience that they can learn from the text, as well as any personal journeys or a strengthened sense of identity that they might find.
  • Ask students to share their insights with the class.

Independent Practice

  • Ask students to choose a favorite story from their childhood or one they have recently read.
  • Have them create a flip book or short video that illustrates the main events and characters in the story and includes their own interpretation of the human nature, motivation, and experience that they can learn from the text, as well as any personal journeys or a strengthened sense of identity that they might find.
  • Allow students to present their flip books or videos to the class.


  • Review the main points of the lesson and ask students to share one thing they learned about human nature, motivation, and experience from their favorite story.
  • Encourage students to continue to turn to stories for inspiration and entertainment, as well as a source of insight and understanding into themselves and the world around them.


  • Students will be assessed by their participation in group discussions and activities, as well as their independent projects.
  • Additionally, the teacher can assess students' understanding of the lesson by having them complete a written or oral quiz on the material covered.

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