Kindness Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: Kindness

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify acts of kindness and demonstrate an understanding of the importance of being kind.


  • Images or videos of acts of kindness (e.g. a stranger giving up their seat on the bus for someone who needs it, a friend comforting someone who is feeling sad)
  • Pen and paper for each student


  • Ask students to think of a time when someone was kind to them. Have them share their story with the class.
  • Ask students if they can think of any ways that people can be kind to others. Write their ideas on the board.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of kindness and its importance in our lives.
  • Explain that there are many ways to be kind to others, and that it takes effort and thoughtfulness to be kind.
  • Show students the picture cards and have them brainstorm ways to be kind to others using the pictures as inspiration (e.g. giving a hug, helping with homework).
  • Have students work in pairs to come up with at least 3 ways to be kind to others using each picture.
  • Have a class discussion about the different ways to be kind that the students came up with, and reinforce the importance of kindness in our lives.

Guided Practice

  • Show students the picture cards again and have them identify the different ways to be kind to others using each picture.
  • Have students work in pairs to come up with at least 3 ways to be kind to others using each picture.
  • Have a class discussion about the different ways to be kind that the students came up with, and reinforce the importance of kindness in our lives.

Independent Practice

  • Have students complete the worksheets provided (3 worksheets with 3 questions each).
  • Have students work in pairs to answer the questions and discuss their answers with their partner.
  • Have a class discussion about the different ways to be kind that the students came up with, and reinforce the importance of kindness in our lives.


  • Students will understand and be able to name the 4 kagan strategies for establishing positive peer relationships.
  • Students will be able to use kagan strategies to respond to peer conflicts in more positive, constructive ways.Materials:
  • Copies of the handout '4 kagan strategies for establishing positive peer relationships' for each student.
  • Copies of the worksheet 'how to use kagan strategies to respond to peer conflicts' for each student.
  • Copies of the worksheet 'conflicts between peers' for each student.


  • Introduce kagan strategies by sharing the handout and discussing each strategy.
  • Facilitate guided practice by having pairs or small groups of students practice using the strategies in hypothetical situations.
  • Have students complete the worksheet by writing out how they would use the strategies to respond to peer conflicts in their own lives.
  • Have students complete the worksheet by writing out and discussing conflicts between peers at school.

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