2nd Grade Writing On My Favorite Place Lesson Plan Example

Topic: My Favorite Place

Objectives & Outcomes

  • To improve students' listening and speaking skills through conversation.
  • To develop students' writing skills through a writing activity.


  • Images of different places (e.g. mountains, rivers, lakes, cities, etc.)
  • Writing paper
  • Pencils


  • Show the images of different places and ask the students to name their favorite place.
  • Ask the students to share what they like about their favorite place.
  • Encourage the students to speak clearly and use vocabulary about places.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the writing topic: "My favorite place."
  • Model how to write about a favorite place using descriptive words and phrases.
  • Show the students how to use the mapping tool to draw their favorite place.

Guided Practice

  • Distribute the writing paper and encourage the students to begin writing about their favorite place.
  • Demonstrate how to use the mapping tool to draw a picture of their favorite place.
  • Provide assistance as needed.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students finish writing about their favorite place and then use the mapping tool to add their picture.
  • Encourage the students to share their writing with the class and to listen to the writings of their classmates.


  • Have the students share their finished map with the class and explain why their favorite place is special to them.
  • Review the steps for creating a map with the students and ask them to share anything they learned about mapping during the activity.


  • Observe the students as they work on their maps and provide feedback.
  • Have the students turn in their finished maps as an assessment of their understanding of the steps for creating a map and their ability to communicate about a meaningful place.

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