Verb Groups Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: Teaching students to use verb groups in writing

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will be able to identify and use verb groups in their writing.


  • List of common verb groups (e.g. "run, jumped, laughed, etc.)
  • Short sentences with verb groups for students to analyze


  • Review list of common verb groups with students and have them identify examples of each.
  • Have students write a short sentence about a simple activity (e.g. "I play soccer") and add a verb group to it (e.g. "I run after the ball") to see if it makes sense.

Direct Instruction

  • Review list of common verb groups again, this time with emphasis on how they are used in writing.
  • Explain that verb groups can be used to add detail and description to writing, and can help make it more interesting and colorful.
  • Demonstrate how to add a verb group to a simple sentence by changing the subject and adding a verb.
  • Have students work in pairs to add a verb group to a simple sentence, using the list of verb groups as a guide.

Guided Practice

  • Have students return to their story or essay drafts, and use the list of verb groups to add additional detail and description.
  • As a class, review the revised drafts and discuss how the addition of verb groups makes the writing more interesting and colorful.
  • Have students work in small groups to create a list of additional verb groups that could be used in writing about a specific topic (e.g. describing a place, describing a person, talking about a action).

Independent Practice

  • Give students a small writing assignment (e.g. writing a short paragraph about their weekend, writing a short story about a favorite pet, writing a letter to a friend).
  • Have students use the verb groups to add additional detail and description to their writing.
  • Encourage students to share their writing with the class and have the class comment on their use of verb groups.


  • Review the concept of verb groups and their importance in adding detail and description to writing.
  • Have students share one thing they learned about verb groups during the lesson.


  • Observe students during independent practice to ensure they are using verb groups effectively in their writing.
  • Collect and review students' written work to assess their understanding of verb groups and their ability to use them in writing.

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