Free 2nd Grade The Hidden Sun Lesson Plan (English)

Topic: Listening to and following instructions

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Children will be able to listen and follow instructions.
  • Children will be able to understand the concept of listening and following instructions.


  • Picture cards with different instructions (e.g. "Close your eyes", "Stand up", "Count to 10")
  • A toy rooster or clock with a timer (optional)


  • Show the children a picture card with an instruction and ask them to follow the instruction. For example, "Close your eyes".
  • Ask the children to raise their hand if they followed the instruction.
  • Continue with a few more picture cards, encouraging the children to follow the instructions.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the story "The Hidden Sun" to the children and show them the picture cards.
  • Ask the children to listen to the story and pay attention to the instructions.
  • As the story is told, encourage the children to follow the instructions on the picture cards.

Guided Practice

  • After finishing the story, have the children work in small groups to retell the story using the picture cards.
  • As the children work, walk around to help with difficult words and concepts.

Independent Practice

  • Give each child a piece of paper and have them draw a picture of the story.
  • As they are drawing, encourage them to use the vocabulary from the story to describe their picture.
  • Once they are finished, have them share their pictures with the class and explain their pictures using the vocabulary from the story.


  • Review the vocabulary words from the story and ask the children to give examples of each word.
  • Ask the children to share their favorite part of the story and explain why they liked it.


  • Observe the children during the reading and storytelling to see if they are understanding the story.
  • Collect and review the illustrated storybooks to assess the children's understanding of the vocabulary words and their ability to retell the story in their own words.
  • Ask the children to demonstrate or give examples of the adjectives from the story (hidden, shining, dark, yellow, orange, red, hot).

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