The Box Car Childen Lesson Plan for 2nd Grade Example Students

Topic: The Box Car Children

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the main idea of the story.
  • Students will be able to explain how the illustrations in the story help tell the story.


  • A copy of The Box Car Children for each student
  • Pencils and paper for each student
  • Pictures from the story for students to use as a reference for their drawings


  • Have students sit in a circle.
  • Show the students a picture from the story and ask them to describe what they see in the picture.
  • Encourage the students to use descriptive words when describing the picture.
  • After several pictures have been shown, have a few students share their descriptions with the rest of the class.

Direct Instruction

  • Introduce the concept of visualization and explain that when we visualize, we use our imaginations to picture something that we have read or heard about.
  • Explain that when we draw pictures of what we are visualizing, it helps us to better understand and remember the story.
  • Model how to draw while listening to a short passage from the story.
  • Encourage the students to try drawing while listening to the rest of the passage.

Guided Practice

  • Pass out the colored pencils and paper and have the students sit in a quiet, calm space with their eyes closed.
  • Have the teacher continue to read the passage while the students draw.
  • Have the students share their drawings with the class and discuss what they were able to visualize while listening.

Independent Practice

  • Have the students choose a book that they have not read before and find a quiet space to sit and read.
  • Have the students draw pictures while they are listening to the passage.
  • Have the students share their drawings with the class and discuss what they were able to visualize while listening.


  • Review the steps for listening to a read-aloud.
  • Discuss the importance of visualizing while listening to a read-aloud.-Ask the students to share something that they were able to visualize while listening to the read-aloud.
  • Assess the students' visualizations by having them display their drawings and discussing how well they were able to visualize while listening to the read-aloud.

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