2nd Grade Shared Reading Lesson Plan Example (English)

Topic: The Tortoise and the Hare

Objectives & Outcomes

  • Students will understand the moral of the tortoise and the hare story, which is: slow and steady wins the race.


  • Pictures of a tortoise and a hare
  • A large whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • A piece of paper and pen for each student


  • Have students sit in a circle.
  • Show the students a picture of a tortoise and a hare. Ask them to describe what they see.
  • Ask the students if they have heard the story of the tortoise and the hare before. If they have, ask them to share what they know. If they have not, tell them the story: A tortoise and a hare were competing in a race. The hare was always bragging about how fast he was, but the tortoise kept reminding him that slow and steady wins the race. On the day of the race, the hare was so confident of his victory that he fell asleep. The tortoise, on the other hand, stayed focused and kept going at his steady pace. When the hare woke up, he saw that the tortoise was already at the finish line. He was so upset that he flung himself into the lake and drowned. The moral of the story is: slow and steady wins the race.
  • Ask the students if they have ever been in a competition. If so, ask them to share their experience. If not, ask them if they have ever seen a competition. Ask them to share their observations.

Direct Instruction

  • Read the story of the tortoise and the hare to the students.
  • Ask the students to repeat the moral of the story after you.

Guided Practice

  • Ask the students to think about a time when they were slow and someone else was fast.
  • Have the students share their stories with a partner.

Independent Practice

  • Make a chart on the board with the names of all the students in the class on it.
  • Have the students choose a pen name to go under on the chart.
  • Have the students write a short story about the tortoise and the hare using their pen names.
  • Have the students present their stories to the class.


  • Ask the students to share their favorite parts of the story and why.
  • Ask the students to share anything they learned from the story.
  • Thank the students for participating in the lesson.


  • Observe the students during the guided and independent practice to assess their understanding of the story.
  • Collect the students' written responses and assess their ability to identify and explain the importance of the moral of the story.

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